Municipal Administration and Human Resources Service (MAHRS)

Municipal Administration and Human Resources Service (MAHRS)



• We are here because of you
• We came to serve you
• Your satisfaction is our priority


Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30)

Article 7: Mission: Integrated with the general office, document management, human resources management, information technology, coordination of internal and external communication systems, file and protocol.

Article 8: Competencies (1: a–i; 2: a–m ; 3: a–x; 4: a–e; 5: a–k)

Article 9: Departments [2 departments: (EIPA-Expedient, IT, Protocol, File) and (HR-Human Resources)]


Head of Department: Human Resources

Total Employees in the Administration of the Municipality of Lautém, with a total of 8 departments, such as:

  1. Permanent : 34 people
  2. Casual : 38 people
  3. Agents: 18 people
  4. Political Notes: 4 people—-Total: 94 people

Total Employees at the Municipality of Lautém:

  1. Permanent: 261 people
  2. Casual: 166 people
  3. Agents: 69 people
  4. Political Notes: 4 people —-Total: 500 people


Head of Department: Expedition, IT, Protocol and File (EIPA).

Total Annual Book Registrations of the year 2022:

  1. Answer Guests: 516
  2. Entry Letter: 1510
  3. Expedient Letter: 404
  4. Expedient Invitation: 70
  5. Term of Delivery Dispatch AML-SML: 770
  6. AML-SML dispatch: 25
  7. AML & SML Dispatch Number: 846
  8. AML order: 5
  9. Official Internal Travel: 701
  10. External Official Travel: 721
  11. License (Annual and Normal): 124

During a year  CD-EIPA, has created: WA group (SMARU and DAM), fanpage and Portal Municipality


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