Melio de Jesus

Lautém Municipal Authority

Melio de Jesus

Lautem Muncipality Authority

"Together, we are strong. Strong, we can overcome."

Melio de Jesus | Presidente da Autoridade Municipal de Lautém

"United Lautém Strong, we join the force Lautém can"

View Profile
1. Geography

Lautém is a municipality in Timor-Leste, located in the eastern part, bordering the Timor Sea and Arafura Strait (east), Timor Sea (south), municipality of Baucau and Viqueque (west) and Wetar Strait (north ). The aforementioned municipality has six administrative posts: Lospalos, Lautém, Iliomar, Luro, Tutuala and Loré, including 34 sucos.
Demographically, the total population of Lautém is 92.409 and population density 36.90 occupied in the area of 1,813.11 km2. This population group speaks: Tetun, Fataluku, Makasa’e, Makalero, Sa’ane and Macoa.


2. Toponomy

Like other municipalities, Lautém also has its own name meaning the municipality. This word itself comes from Fataluco origin, composed of two languages: “Lau”-cloth and Tem/Teinu-sacred. According to history, since our elders, this municipality has been named Lauteinu or Lauteira, therefore Lautém means “sacred cloth”.


3. History

According to history, before the Portuguese established their authority in Lautém, it had already ruled by traditional authority. In 1698, the Portuguese government introduced its authority through Governor António Coelho Guerreiro. At that time, he began to intervene with the traditional authorities in Timor, including Lautém. On April 20, 1859, through Governor Afonso de Castro, he established 11 districts, Lautém also as a district with his name Faturo district with its headquarters in Lautém, composed of Sarau kingdom and Matarupa kingdom. After the Second World War, Governor Oscar Ruas, changed command from military and became a Civil Circumscription, which consisted of the civil administrative post of Lospalos, Iliomar, Lautem Luro, Tutuala in Loré. At the time of the Indonesian occupation, Lautem as a District and currently as a municipality.


4. Climate

In terms of climate, the municipality of Lautém is generally the same as other municipalities in Timor-Leste. During the month of May to July, average rain has rain twice a week and during the month of November to January, average rain always in two hours of each day. During the month of August to October, hot and dry weather without rain. Medium climate between 23.6oC-31.8oC, with maximum climate up to 38oC. During summer time, the Raumoco stream, Ralailaba and Ira-Lalaro Lagoon were sources of drinking water.\


5. Point of Interest

The points of interest in the municipality of Lautém include the islet of Jaco, the COM beach, Umunira Lagoon, Ira Lalaro Lagoon, Pousada de Tutuala and Ili-Kere-Kere.

Administrative post

Explore & get to know the municipality

  1. Servisu Munisipal Protesaun Sivil

    Servisu Munisipal  Protesaun Sivil  (SMPS) Diploma Ministerial N.º 48 /2016 de 30 de Setembro. Misaun: Sertifika aplikasaun ba lejizlasaun no execusaun ba polítika públika no programa governamentál iha dominiu protesaun sivíl no prevensaun no kombate foho florestal.

  2. Municipal Food Safety Service

    The Municipal Food Safety Service is the service Ministerial Diploma No. 48/2016 of 30 September. mission is to ensure the application of the of

  3. Servisu Munisipal Apoiu Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS)

    Servisu Munisipal Apoiu Programa Nasionál Dezenvolvimentu Suku (SM Apoiu PNDS) inisiativa ida hosi Governu Timor-Leste ne’ebé fó kbiit ba komunidade sira atu hili, halo

  4. Municipal Service for Social Protection and Natural Disaster Management

  5. Municipal Support Service for National Program Of Villages Development

  6. Municipal Agricutural Service (MAS)

    Municipal Agricultural Service (MAS) Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30) 1) Article 40: Mission: to ensure the application of legislation and the execution of

  7. Municipal Suport Service NGO & CO

    Municipal Support Service for Non-Governmental Organizations and Community Organizations (MSSNGO & CO)   Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30)   1) Article 22: Mission:

  8. Municipal Finance Service (MFS)

    Municipal Finance Service (MFS) Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30) 1) Article 10: Mission: Included in the domains of programming and budget execution, rendering

  9. Municipal Public Works and Transport Service (MPWTS)

    Municipal Public Works and Transport Service (MPWTS) Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30) 1) Article 34: Mission: ensure the application of legislation and the

  10. Municipal Inspection Agency (MIA)

    Municipal Inspection Agency (MIA)   Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30)   1) Article 61: Mission: to ensure that inspection and audit actions are

  11. Municipal Planning Agency (MPA)

    Municipal Planning Agency (MPA) Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30) 1) Article 58: Mission: ensure the application of legislation and the execution of public

  12. Municipal Integrated Planning and Development Service (MIPDS)

    Municipal Integrated Planning and Development Service (MIPDS)   Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30)   1) Article 19: Mission: to ensure technical and administrative

  13. Municipal Market and Tourism Management Service (MMTMS)

    Municipal Market and Tourism Management Service (MMTMS)   Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30)   1) Article 43: Mission: ensure the application of legislation

  14. Municipal Water, Sanitation and Environment Service (MWSES)

    Municipal Water, Sanitation and Environment Service (MWSES)   Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30)   Article 37: Mission: to ensure the application of legislation

  15. Municipal Social Action Service (MSAS)

    Municipal Social Action Service (MSAS) Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30) 1) Article 46: Mission: to ensure the application of legislation and the execution

  16. Municipal Health Service (MHS)

    Municipal Health Service (MHS) Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30) 1) Article 28: Mission: ensure the application of legislation and the execution of public

  17. Municipal Patrimony and Logistics Service (MPLS)

    Municipal Patrimony and Logistics Service (MPLS)   Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30)   1) Article 13: Mission: to ensure technical and administrative support

  18. Municipal Provisioning Service (MPS)

    Municipal Procurement Service (MPS)   Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30)   1) Article 16: Mission: to ensure technical and administrative support to the

  19. Municipal Administration and Human Resources Service (MAHRS)

    Municipal Administration and Human Resources Service (MAHRS)   MOTTO • We are here because of you • We came to serve you • Your

  20. Municipal Registry, Notary and Cadastral Services (MRNCS)

    Municipal Registry, Notary and Cadastral Services (MRNCS) Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30) 1) Article 55, Mission: to ensure the application of legislation and

  21. Municipal Education Service (MES)

    Municipal Education Service (MES) Ministerial Diploma (MD.No.48/2016, of September 30) 1) Article 25: Mission: to ensure the application of legislation and the execution of

Annual Plan

Year Proposed value Attachment
No data

Annual Budget Allocation

Year Budget Allocated
No data

Meet Municipality Council Members

Melio de Jesus
Presidente da Autoridade Municipal de Lautém.
  • 78127008
Francisco dos Santos
Secretário Municipal de Administração e Finanças
  • 78066001
  • N/A
Tibursio dos Santos
Secretário Municipal do Planeamento, Investimento e Desenvolvimento Integrado
  • 77045676
  • N/A
Zeferino dos Santos Sequeira
Secretário Municipal dos Assuntos Sociais e Organizações Comunitárias
  • 77311650
  • N/A
Filipe Dias Quintas
Chefe Suco Fuiloro
  • N/A
  • N/A
Melio de Jesus
Presidente da Autoridade Municipal de Lautém.
  • 78127008
Francisco dos Santos
Secretário Municipal de Administração e Finanças
  • 78066001
  • N/A
Tibursio dos Santos
Secretário Municipal do Planeamento, Investimento e Desenvolvimento Integrado
  • 77045676
  • N/A
Zeferino dos Santos Sequeira
Secretário Municipal dos Assuntos Sociais e Organizações Comunitárias
  • 77311650
  • N/A
Aníbal Fernandes
Diretor do Serviço Municipal de Educação
  • N/A
  • N/A

© 2025 Lautem Muncipality Authority